In all of Matthias Grossmann’s seminars you will acquire practical know-how in a varied and lively way. His slogan is: better amused than bored The knowledge will be acquired easily through such a method accompanied with high intensity. Your motivation will be increased to implement it into your daily practice and through that will be reinforced. The public seminars are limited to 12 participants (the evening seminars are an exception).
Highlight: The profile of an extreme climber tells us about self-motivation methods.
A 3-hour intensive seminar aimed at purchasers, purchasing managers and everybody who deals with purchasing.
After the seminar you will be able to comprehend negotiation strategies and therefore, will be able to put them into practice as well as, using them as a basis and react consciously.
» An incentive for the whole team. «
3-Stage seminar: 3 x 2 days. Here you will acquire experience about the methods cost and price reductions, confidence for managing negotiations, as well as self-management for purchasers. Additional topic: The organizational art of purchasing and time management. At the end of the seminar you will get the option of writing a thesis, and therefore, to obtain an MGS-Certificate as “Master of Purchasing”. Such a certificate is ideal for participants who wish to extend their knowledge. 50% of the participants are purchasing professionals, the others are purchasing managers.
Seminar details
Booking a place
The seminar is 3 - 2 days long. Once the seminar is over, you will able to successfully manage your price negotiations in your desired way. At the seminar you will acquire experience how to prepare and manage negotiations. You will also look at some typical situations, where a negotiation is performed with complicated negotiators who just want to boycott it. Through self-analysis you will learn reliable methods, which will let you develop self-confidence and charisma. Through role plays and examples we will improve your practical mistakes. Day 1 + 2 belong to the basic seminar. Day 3 belongs to negotiation tactics. You can book the first two days for 890.00 Euro. However, the complete seminar is recommended and costs only 1,280.00 Euros.
Seminar details
Booking a place
4 day seminar: You will experience the seminar with motivation! Very often companies realized how much more motivated their employees are when the seminars are held abroad, it is seen in their daily activities. Besides the intensive training of methods of cost and price reductions and managing negotiations both held by Matthias Grossmann, you will also have the opportunity to visit a production company where you will be able to talk with a local purchaser and an expert both familiar with the Spanish purchasing market.
Valuable secondary effect: being in touch not only with the purchasing sector but also with the distribution sector which complements the training since this it is not only for buyers but also for sellers. We can also provide such a seminar at your company.
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